Olive Oil And Vitamin D

Olive Oil And Vitamin D

Olive oil, because of its preva­lence in the Italian diet, has been sin­gled out as the best food prod­uct to deliver Vitamin D, a key ele­ment that pro­motes cal­cium absorp­tion and the pre­ven­tion of osteo­poro­sis.

Mass mar­ket brand Olio Dante, work­ing in con­junc­tion with researchers at the Federico II — University of Naples, jointly stud­ied the prob­lem of enrich­ing olive oil for the deliv­ery of Vitamin D.

Professor Annamaria Colao at the uni­ver­si­ty's Department of Molecular and Clinical Endocrinology and Oncology said of osteo­poro­sis: "Its inci­dence increases with age to the point that it effects most peo­ple over eighty years of age. We esti­mate that in Italy today there are 3.5 mil­lion women and 1 mil­lion men effected by osteo­poro­sis."

The uni­ver­sity researchers and olive oil com­pany held a work­shop on osteo­poro­sis from 16 to 19 January, where ConDisano, the new for­ti­fied DOP extra vir­gin olive oil was launched. The brand name trans­lates to "With D for Health." Two table­spoons a day of the oil deliv­ers the daily require­ment of Vitamin D.

Olio Dante, belongs to the par­ent com­pany Oleifici Mataluni di Montesarchio, head­quar­tered in the Benevento province of Campania. Their 2010 sales amounted to € 240,000,000.

Older Italians have unhappy mem­o­ries of being forced by their par­ents to con­sume spoon­fuls of cod liver oil, which is rich in Vitamin D, but also has a very unpleas­ant taste. Salmon and other fish are good sources of the vit­a­min, but fish is expen­sive, and beyond the reach of many peo­ple.

While Italy is for­tu­nate to have a good, and sunny cli­mate, many Italians are not get­ting enough sun, espe­cially in the win­ter months. Older peo­ple absorb Vitamin D less eas­ily than younger peo­ple, and are less likely to fully expose their legs and arms to the sun.

Olive oil is uni­ver­sally con­sumed in Italy, with each cit­i­zen con­sum­ing from 12 to 14 kilos a year. Readers will remem­ber that salt is often iodized and flour, at least in the US, is enriched with folic acid for health rea­sons.

  • L'Informatore Sannita

  • Il Messaggero

  • Olio Dante

Olive Oil And Vitamin D

Source: https://www.oliveoiltimes.com/health-news/olive-oil-for-osteoporosis/23974

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